Reading Plans May 2015

Saturday, May 9, 2015
For those that follow my monthly wrap-up posts, you may have seen that I've kind of fallen off the wagon lately of reading more books from my shelves than new ones I've just bought. I am determined to remedy this situation.
As such, I have decided to try and assign myself a few books from my shelves to get through each month. At the moment this is just a challenge to myself, with no real punishment if I don't succeed (I have other stuff to do and I sometimes get too sick to read), but the benefit if I manage to do it will be a clearer conscience, and a smaller TBR. That's the theory anyway!

So, the books I have picked out for this month are:

Vicious by V.E. Schwab

A gift from ages ago from the lovely Katharine, one that has sat on my shelf for about... a year and a half? two years? and has been staring at me unforgivingly.
This book uses sciencey stuff to explore the existence of superheroes and supervillains. It is a stand-alone book that has received an average of 4.25 stars out of five from 8,133 ratings so far, so might be time to give it a shot!
For more info, here is the goodreads link (image above is also from there).

Tin Star by Cecil Castellucci

This one I received for my birthday from a lovely friend, and was highly recommended by one of my favourite book people, Misty. I have read the sample in the past and decided I definitely wanted to give it a read, and it's a relatively short one at about 230 pages. The first book in a series (maybe a trilogy?), it has so far clocked an average of 3.66 stars out of five from 687 ratings, which equates to 'not too shabby' in my mind. Plus, the cover is full of beauty.
For more info, here is the goodreads link (image above is also from there).

And finally, if I manage to get through those two, I am going to add just one more to my 'do try' list...

Deep Blue by Jennifer Donnelly

This was an impulse buy from about a year ago, when I was in a Dymocks book store and really needed some book-retail-therapy. Aaaand it has sat on my shelf ever since. If you can't tell from the pretty cover, it is a mermaid book. Seems legit. I want to give it a go. It is the first book in the 'Waterfire Saga' - the second of which, 'Rogue Wave', is already out. 
Deep Blue has received an average of 3.71 stars out of five from 3,445 ratings on goodreads, which seems pretty decent.
For more info, here is the goodreads link (image above is also from there).

I will be reading other books in addition to those, as I have a review book or two to get through, and I already have things on my 'currently-reading' shelf that I would like to finish (particularly The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson!). If you want to check out my goodreads and add some more books to your shelves, find my profile here.
Wish me luck!

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